LinkedIn Advertising + Terminus ABM

Use the Terminus platform with your LinkedIn advertising strategy for improved account matching, precise targeting, campaign-level reporting, and more options for all ad types. Learn more by watching the video or requesting a demo!

LinkedIn Marketing Solutions + Terminus Targeted Advertising

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Provide personalized advertising experiences that drive conversions with the right individuals at the right accounts.

Targeted Messaging and Better Measurement with LinkedIn + Terminus

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LinkedIn Advertising

Most people know that LinkedIn is a place to go to connect with other professionals. But not everyone knows about LinkedIn advertising or LinkedIn Marketing Solutions. In fact, read some articles on the LinkedIn blog, and you’ll realize that LinkedIn is actually one of the top channels for marketers, even in competition with Google and the Facebook Campaign Manager.

Today, companies can hire a LinkedIn marketing agency, look at LinkedIn Marketing Solutions case studies, or read the LinkedIn Marketing Solutions help center and LinkedIn advertising news for more information about advertising on LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you immediately advertise to a network of highly connected professionals — perfect for B2B sales and even B2C sales of a commercial bent.

For other social media platforms, like Twitter and Facebook, these ads can be discretely targeted toward specific demographics, so you know you’re getting the most spend from your advertising dollar. There’s a lot of content on the LinkedIn blog about what to do when breaking into advertising and many organizations are increasingly finding that LinkedIn gives them better marketing penetration than more broad spectrum venues such as Google or Facebook.

But like any advertising platform, it can be important to know how to target those on LinkedIn and what advertising is best responded to before you move forward. LinkedIn is primarily a high-value content network; you want to be able to produce interesting, insightful content to get noticed on the platform. You can then promote the content that performs the best on your LinkedIn business page.

Through LinkedIn, marketers and companies are able to present themselves as authorities and resources within their space. This helps with both brand awareness and brand identity. But companies need a strong idea of their brand identity if they’re going to be able to compete. As with any platform, there is still some signal-to-noise ratio issues, and not everyone is susceptible to brand messaging. The more informative and valuable your content is, the less likely it is to be dismissed as “just advertising.” Indeed, LinkedIn advertising is part of new account-based marketing strategies which put personalization and value at the forefront.

LinkedIn Ad Manager

How do you start with LinkedIn advertising? First, you’ll need your business LinkedIn login Canada or US. If you don’t have a business account, you’ll have to create one; you can’t create ads in LinkedIn Ad Manager from a personal account. Load the business account and click on “Ads.” You’ll be brought to the campaign manager system. Your campaign manager login and LinkedIn advertising login is the same as your LinkedIn business login. And because of this, everyone in your business account will also have LinkedIn campaign manager access.

If you have a business account, you don’t need to create LinkedIn ad account permissions for LinkedIn ad account access; you already effectively have a LinkedIn advertising account linked to your LinkedIn business account and LinkedIn business account page. But you will need to make sure your payment options are correct.

Before you start creating ads, it’s critical that you look at how to use LinkedIn campaign manager. Even a brief LinkedIn campaign manager tutorial is better than trying to do something without any guidance. You’ll see tips about how to deal with the LinkedIn campaign manager not working or how to appropriately target your ads.

LinkedIn is great for targeted advertising spend. But just like any other advertising platform, it can become a siphon for money if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s critical that you thoroughly understand how LinkedIn works as an advertising vehicle before you start actually running ads. This will tell you not only what type of ads you should run, but also more about how you should expect those ads to perform.

Over time, you’ll get a better feel for how LinkedIn advertising works for your business, what does work for you, what doesn’t, and what your ROI will be. Until then, you may want to connect with a professional partner to find out more about what LinkedIn advertising can do for you.

LinkedIn Ad Specs

There are multiple types of advertising you can use for LinkedIn. Let’s take a look at some LinkedIn ad specs, such as LinkedIn ad size and media format, for a variety of LinkedIn ad types.

LinkedIn carousel ad specs. LinkedIn carousel ads are great for engagement because they show off multiple pieces of content at a time. The max file size is 10 megabytes and the specifications for size are 1080 pixels by 1080 pixels. They have a 1:1 aspect ratio.

LinkedIn video ad specs. Videos are the most engaging form of media out there. But they can also be overdone; not everyone wants to watch a video online. The minimum video length is 3 seconds but the maximum is a whopping 30 minutes. Only horizontal videos are supported by LinkedIn.

LinkedIn text ads specs. The easiest to produce, text ads may not be as flashy but they can still be impactful. Text ads include a headline, text, and image, so they aren’t just text. Messages should be shorter than 1,500 characters.

LinkedIn InMail ad specs. InMail ads should be 300 by 250 pixels, in JPEG, GIF, or PNG format, and a maximum file size of 40 kilobytes. InMail ads are also known as message ads.

You should be aware that things will change. LinkedIn ad sizes 2021 and LinkedIn ad specs 2021 are likely to differ by 2022, so make sure you’re always checking the format before you start developing new creative.

LinkedIn Sponsored Content

There are many types of ads that a marketer can launch with LinkedIn, including video, text, and image. Some of the most effective LinkedIn ads examples or LinkedIn ads types is the LinkedIn Sponsored Content option. Unlike other LinkedIn ad formats, it relies on content production; you create a compelling article and then you “boost” it on the platform. Other types of LinkedIn ads are more generally geared toward commitment, but LinkedIn Sponsored Content generates brand awareness and brand identity.

To follow LinkedIn ads best practices, you will usually be using multiple types of LinkedIn ad. This is beneficial because it lets you reach out to multiple demographics in many ways. And it edges your brand toward brand identity, as it is being seen in different contexts. There are many LinkedIn single image ad examples, video ad examples, and so forth that you can look at to see what works and what doesn’t.

Where LinkedIn Sponsored Content shines is that it fits in with other content on the LinkedIn site and doesn’t look overtly promotional. Rather, it makes it possible for users to engage with your brand on the platform as an authority. Sponsored Content builds interest on the platform and makes other types of advertising more effective. And it can be used to build a following before you start a campaign in earnest and while your campaign is launching.

Apart from Sponsored Content, video ads are known for being especially engaging — and there are many ways to engage with just a text ad. It depends on what the marketer hopes to achieve.

LinkedIn Targeting Options

How do you get started with LinkedIn ads? There are many complexities to LinkedIn ads, such as LinkedIn targeting options. But you can get started quickly with Terminus. Terminus can help marketers scale and quickly launch ads and campaigns for LinkedIn, managing campaigns, metrics, and results from within the ABM platform. With Terminus, you can easily use account targeting LinkedIn features, build your LinkedIn campaign, and track which LinkedIn advertising campaigns are working best for your business.

By connecting your LinkedIn advertising campaign to Terminus, you’ll be able to track your accounts more effectively, score your leads, and optimize your campaigns over time. Terminus also provides a LinkedIn advertising guide and LinkedIn advertising tips that you can use to learn more about marketing on the platform.

Today, account-based marketing is becoming vital; it’s important to personalize and target advertising as effectively as possible to avoid being lost in the large amounts of noise. Terminus makes it possible to tailor ads and marketing to specific demographics, working with you to locate the best potential leads. With Terminus, you’ll be able to launch and manage all your most important advertising campaigns within a single location.

LinkedIn, in particular, is a good place for account-based marketing because it’s easy to find the people that you need to connect to. For B2B sales, there’s really no better venue; you not only know what companies to connect with but also who the decision-makers are.

LinkedIn Advertising Costs

So, you know a little about LinkedIn advertising. Why shouldn’t you just jump in?

Though LinkedIn advertising costs are very low for the results that they can get, they can build over time (this is why LinkedIn Earnings 2020 and LinkedIn Profit 2020 is up). If you’re still wondering how much should I spend on LinkedIn advertising, you’re not ready to actually get started.

If you don’t have a fine-tuned and optimized campaign, it’s very easy for you to completely lose control over how much you’re spending. Because you’re bidding for ads and you’re spending the amount that you’re willing to bid, you can rapidly start losing control. And if you don’t know how to optimize your campaigns or read your metrics, you could potentially start wasting your marketing dollars.

Even very good advertising campaigns can cost money at first before they start returning revenue. So, the LinkedIn campaign manager cost can be very variable, and it requires an expert to be able to read the campaign metrics and determine if they are operating correctly.

You can see on the LinkedIn annual report 2020, available as a LinkedIn annual report 2020 PDF from the company, that a good deal of LinkedIn’s revenue comes from advertising dollars. This really only makes sense. It’s a great place for advertising; it provides a lot of opportunities. But that also means that it’s very easy to spend a lot of money without help. If you’re interested in starting to advertise on LinkedIn, you want the help of a professional partner.